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Arts and Culture News

Ekiti First Lady Empowers Second Batch of Adire Trainees.

Busuyi Ogidiolu
Wife of Ekiti State Governor, Dr Olayemi Oyebanji has urged beneficiaries of the second phase of the tye and dye training known as Adire, to apply the knowledge and skills acquired for the establishment of their own businesses.

The governor’s wife stated this at Adire hub in Ado Ekiti during the Empowerment of 200 Trainees drawn from Ekiti South Senatorial District.

She expressed disappoinment over some people who have attended same skill acquisition training but had gone into oblivion due to non challant attitude, saying that the starter packs being handed to this set of beneficiaries should be well utilized for productivity and self reliance.

Dr Oyebanji itemized the materials in the start-up packs to include; ten yards of Daviva cloth, chemicals, different colours of dyes, Twenty five thousand naira cash for each beneficiary, among other items.

“The reason for coming up with Adire is for excellence and innovation, therefore let your creativity shine. As you embark on this journey, remember that you have the backing of the government and the people of Ekiti State” Dr Oyebanji emphasised

According to the first lady, Adire is a symbol of the state’s rich cultural heritage and creativity, therefore embracing and promoting it will preserve tradition as well as open doors to economic opportunities and self-reliance.

While announcing that next set of beneficiaries would be from the north senatorial district, Dr Oyebanji said the three weeks Adire training for each senatorial district usually gulp over one hundred million Naira from personal resources pointing out that the State Government remained committed to support the initiatives that would foster skill development and entrepreneurship.

In a welcome address, the Coordinator of Adire Ekiti Hub, Mrs Abimbola Oni commended the state government for putting up such measure at reducing unemployment rate among school leavers, saying that the training center would be ever ready to take more participants.

In their separate messages of Goodwill, the State Deputy Governor, Chief Monisde Afuye, the Commissioner for Special Duties, Mr Dolamu Adeniyi and The ALGON Chairman, Mr Olusegun Ojo called on the beneficiaries not to indulge in laziness but to be proactive and become employers of labour.

Top government functionaries and other important political office holders were also present at the ceremony.

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