Following the devastating news of the passing of actress Destiny Etiku’s father, veteran Nollywood actor Pete Edochie paid a visit to the young actress to console her.
Destiny Etiko in the early hours of the morning announced the death of her father on May 15, 2020, on her Instagram page.
In a video sighted on her Instagram page a few hours ago, the curvy screen star was captured running into the arms of Pete Edochie to cry ostensibly whilst Pete consoles her.
Sharing the video, Destiny Etiko expressed her heartfelt gratitude to Pete Edochie for showing such great love in the time she needed it the most.Advertisement
She wrote: Thank you so much for everything you did for me today daddy….u came out just because of me @peteedochie u really showed me so much love and I will love u forever
Tributes have begun pouring in as fans and celebrities send their condolatory messages to the bereaved actress